Chum's Overnighter is the ultimate camping accessory and piece of outdoor equipment. Your belongings can fit surprisingly snug in this unsuspecting bag, thanks to the stuffable nature of the single-compartment inside. There are two convenient Hang On loops either side of the zip entry, so that you can hang or hold the Overnighter, as well as storing it with your main outdoor equipment that is joining you on your adventures. The lightweight fabric gives it a barely-there quality which is invaluable when you are hiking or exploring the outdoors, as well as being heavy duty and water resistant - so that all your items remain dry and undamaged no matter where your exploration takes you. Access into the bag is made easy thanks to the zip entry. Get sorted with your camping or outdoor gear, by getting your hands on the Chums Overnighter.
Stuffable, packable and convenient! The Overnighter is perfect size for those looking to travel light and makes it easy to stuff all your gear in and then pack it away into your bag or duffel.
- Heavy duty water resistant material
- Easy access zip entry
- Hang On loops
- Dimensions: 3.25" x 7.5" x 2.75"
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